Tapering is hard

For the past few days we’ve been tapering (essentially doing shorter workouts and taking more rest).

I’ve never had to taper before. I don’t usually train that much for things. I once trained for a marathon, but my knees chronically kinda suck. I trained fine for a while, but when I got to the 13mi long Saturday training run I had to limp the last 2 miles home. So, then I just stopped training and several weeks later just did the marathon.

(And by “just did the marathon” I mean: I ran 6mi, my knee exploded in pain, I popped four Ibuprofen at an aid station while a very concerned volunteer looked on, I accepted some funky smelling muscle rub from a stranger, and then I walked as fast I could for 20miles. I finished in 5:40, which was a good 90+ min slower than hoped for and infuriating at the time, but now, all things considered, I consider it a major victory). Did I mention I’m stubborn?

So, here’s my short recap of my personal pros and cons of the process:


  • Holy shit, I have free time in the day! Time when I’m not eating, showering, exercising, working, or sleeping. What do I do with it?
  • Things that were starting to be bothersome (ahem, my right knee…) don’t feel so bothersome.
  • I’m starting to look forward to biking more (it was starting to feel like a major effort to get on my bike and do ANOTHER LAP).
  • I’ve actually called my Mom and at least one friend. I haven’t been the best social person for the past few weeks (see bullet point one). Sorry friends and family.
  • I had time to get a massage! The massage therapist was a little appalled at how tight my shoulders, hamstrings, and quads were. She politely but firmly suggested I come back asap after I finished this ridiculous (my word) event.


  • Holy shit, I have free time in the day! Time when I’m not eating, showering, exercising, working, or sleeping. What do I do with it? ANSWER: Eat. All. The. Cookies. ???
  • Related, eating all the cookies while not doing any exercise is not a great weight management plan. Or, you know, healthy.
  • I got sick. Or maybe I got allergies. Or both. Either way, my body took the opportunity to have a breather and decided it was okay to get sick. Today I’ve had 5 cups of tea, two cups of honeyed lemon water, and one cup of plain hot water. And some Emergen-C (because, sure, why not). I will get better.
  • I became “that person” who literally said, “This is so hard, I really just want to keep working out”. ? On the flip side, I then took two days off in a row, and when I went for a 30min walk today, I got tired. ??
  • I’m now realizing how close we actually are to DOING THE THING. My top priorities have become (in order): 1) Don’t get injured. 2) Don’t get sick(er). 3) Get more sleep. 4) Get some stretching/yoga in to stay loose. 5) Eat lots of protein/greens/healthy things.

I know. That was a boring bullet point to end on. But, it’s late and I need to go to bed (see priority 3) so you get what you get.

Author: cartwheelsandcake

Cyclist, climber, hiker, trail runner, back country skier, dabbling mountaineer Lover of cake, chocolate, brownies, and sweets. Excellent napper.

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